Monday, 13 July 2009

781 days on Twitter

To know when you joined Twitter:

After 781 days on Twitter I have only 130 updates. I know! I must be the most slow twitterer out there. The thing is, I almost always lurk around and watch the posts getting updated without adding my two cents. But if you ask me, I've read most of the stuff the people (or should I say Tweeps) I'm following have posted. I truly could not have let an opportunity of stalking people, while still remaining unnoticed slip. Hehe!

Coming back to the 781 days, when I first joined Twitter on May 24 2007, I honestly found the site quite bland. I signed up only to be able to display the "What are you doing?" widget on my blog. I think my first update was "I am baking a cake" or something similar. I gave up on the idea when Jevin created the "words running through my head" widget which you can still see on the sidebar.

However, Twitter has evolved since and what an evolution it was! When I started getting active on the site again this year I was baffled at the rapidity at which information were being shared and the number of Mauritians who've signed up there. This was a brand new Twitter to me and I discovered that Twitter was the place to be and I should have seen that right from the start.

Anyway dudettes and dudes, so much for my Twitter story.

If you're a regular member on Twitter, I'd really like to know how you found out about the site and since when.

And if you're wondering, I can be found @morinn. ;)


  1. Yea, twitter in the beginning looked kinda dull to me too, but once you understand how it all works, it's actually really useful.

  2. Woohoo!

    It's a fact that Twitter was quite bland at the beginning... but as the improvements started pouring in & everyone caught on the train, Twitter gradually grew in popularity until it finally already reached its pinnacle of success (measured by the no. of spammers present or the fact that EVERYONE is on Twitter). Twitter is now the PLACE to be. ;)

    PS. Since I got addicted with Twitter, I've been trying to hook up the max no. of peeps with Twitter (esp. Mauritian bloggers). Been somewhat successful so far. :P
    Twitter FTW!


  3. @ Manictastic, an awesome fact about Twitter is that it is relatively easy to use and therefore the orientation and adjustment time is not considerable for the newbie. :D

  4. @ Carrotmadman6, the first aspect of Twitter that caught me when I restarted posting there was the existence of Al Gore as a member. LOL!

    I'm kind of hooked up to Twitter, but not as a poster, more as an information-seeker and a reader and ahem... a stalker. :D

  5. i`m @metalikacrew

    i guess everything is @metalikacrew for me XD

  6. i tried to login, and i got a fail whale :S

  7. I used to a computer geek in my teen years ... during these times there were mirc and napster ... I was drawn to the dark side: hacking, distributing trojans ... and had my own web page as well ... then came HSC competition and BSc ... I did not keep in touch with the developments in IT ... except for what was happening in Linux ... it's only last december that I started blogging and I logged in to twitter only this year :S I guess I'm an old timer now hahahahahhaa (btw morinn I'm really pissed with blogger now ... I am commenting from Opera on my linux box ... pff FF Exploder and Chrome wont give me comment options)

  8. and soon twitter will die out and something else will take its place...

    e.g. just like that, myspace got ass-kicked by facebook in terms of popularity and just like that, twitter has started to do its own ass-kickery and is slowly forcing facebook into the shadows! well, kinda!
    but guess what...1) even before twitter (like way way back when technorati was still the eyes and ears of the blogosphere), there were bloggers who were doing micro-blogging on their respective blogging platform (it was more like a meme at that time or some sorta event they will organize regularly). 2) even before facebook/ myspace there was something called hmmm, what was the name again!?! oh yeah, friendster...and hi5! 3) even before blogger or wordpress there was something called livejournal!

    these kinda stuff comes and goes...they just keep re-inventing it or re-branding it!

    oh btw, 0 days on twitter!
    but i have heard about it since like 2-3 yrs ago!

  9. oops...i didn't mean to sound like i'm against twitter! i'm just stating something i've observed since being a netizen for the past 5-8+years!

  10. I am on Twitter. Not a fan though.

  11. @ Joyshan, it's been a long while since I last saw Mr. The Whale! Hehe!

  12. @ Yashvin, I've recently installed a bot on my Twitter account too. :D

  13. @ La Pingouine, t'as de la chance de n'etre pas encore contaminee!! Hihi

  14. @ Bruno, I've asked some people to test the comment box and it seems to work fine. I'm really starting to get worried about this. Could it be a problem on your side?

  15. @ Waz, yeah that's the way it has been going on for years, especially with social networking sites, I agree. Another giant might eat out Facebook soon.

    However, even if Twitter comes to disappear someday, it'll still remain something truly innovative with its minimalistic options and simple layout and the fact that everything revolves around the homepage and not each individual user's pages plus all those other sites who've cropped up due to twitter, providing additional features to users like above.

    I know Twitter might eventually die out but it'll still remain an awesome concept.

  16. @ Jev, yeah I've been trying to no avail to convert you for so long.

  17. If I had to keep my Twitter account, my blogger account and my FB account updated regularly, I would have to stop working and go social networking full-time!!

    Not a big fan of Twitter, all I do is follow some celebrities I like, especially comedians like Stephen Fry and Jimmy Carr. But if you really take it seriously, it can be quite exciting!

  18. 0h twitter. must have heard it somewhere a while ago, don't remember where/when though. i came on twitter cause i supposedly stopped blogging. but now am back to both. kinda. :)

  19. @ Yashi, yeah social networking sites do take a lot of one's time. They are of great aid when one has some time to kill. :)

    @ Rooch, hehe, yeah I see you've started updating both!

  20. I also have a twitter account but I rarely update. :P

  21. yo i've decided to join twitter!
    i'm not sure if i'll be updating much...
    do you have any advice/ tips/ suggestion please?

  22. @ Waz, don't follow everyone who follows you. Some of them might be spams or bots. Follow people or websites that you know won't be posting annoying or spammy stuff like ads.
