Sunday, 16 September 2007

suddenly I see

Lately I was in a really jovial mood, which is weird since I was in my PMS week. I don't know why I'm actually "sharing" this with you. I don't like to get personal about me on this blog (yeah really). And if you've gave super attention to what I've said you'll notice 1 thing. No? You didn't see it? oh c'mon! Yeah that's right I've got another blog. A personal one. That's where I'm not sweet at all. That's where I bash people who have pissed me off, that's where I'm me. It's not that I'm not me here; it's just that here I'm the diplomatic me. Many a time I've wanted to write posts about what has pissed me off, about stupid bitches mainly but hell I've gave up. Firstly coz I think that once my anger has receded I would want to put that post down and I wouldn't be able to do so cause I value your comments :D and that brings me to the second point, I'll have to come up with loads of crappy posts to prevent people (including me) from reading my "hate post".

There've been some posts that I'm proud of, for instance the one where I talk about my stupid relatives. Hell,that was relaxing! But lately, what with the traffic pouring in and stuff, I'm reluctant to be honest. To say that I hate people who chew their food aloud for instance and how I hate it when you drop by and assure me I've got a nice blog! No, really? If I thought it wasn't "nice" I'd have stopped posting a long time back dumbass! Seriously, it's not like when you drop by out of nowhere and tell me my blog is nice that my life and whole perspective of the world will change and I'll become a regular commenter on yours, stupid moron! Be original for godsake!

I'm feeling better!


  1. "be original"?

    ok, now you finally discover the truth about the web. it's full of idiots. we share the same problem, i think.

    join the club. =P

  2. hihi, that was unexpected!

    yeah I've come to know the truth! that makes a sick, sad, me!

  3. Euh... Vu ki tone imP massacrer bane dimounes ki vine comment lor to blog... dans ki category mo tomber??? :\

  4. you say funny things when you are in a bad mood.i love to read what you write then

  5. Yash, to pa genre dir "nice post" toi ta! lol

    Nate, yup you might say it's funny. depends.

  6. Heyyyyy nice blog. LOL. Your new banner is niceeeeee. :P Dont worry honey. Just dont visit those peps blog.

  7. one question: do you speak Portuguese?

    by the way, Nice blog! I really love it! (just kidding)

  8. Me no. Morinn could speak a bit i guess. She speaks Spanish though.

  9. peregrino silencioso, i can speak spanish. but I do understand Portuguese! ;)

    That's how I understood your post! :D

  10. Jev, I'll change the banner again tonight! :D

    not sure which one to put! love ya hun!

  11. Ah, that was sweet. Yea blogging about personal feelings is hard, specially if you live on a small island and everybody knows everybody (protraying Mauritius all wrong here coz I'm original, yea :D) and everyone had wifi (which I know coz I looked it up). But you can say hateful stuff about people you know, as long as you don't name tag them. Loud chewers are of course a b**** and so on and so on.

  12. You're such a bitch morinn and your blog sucks!

    hahaha... how about that as an original comment? :P

  13. oooh so the sun's up the right way finally!!way to go moriin(whom i dont know from adam or eve haha).but i bet tat wont stop those "morons" from leaving cryptic messages on your blog.hurray for da moron code!!!

  14. manic, that was sweet of ya! lol

    usha, you're a bitch too! :u

    loo!! welcome to the world of blogging. and blogger is our god! :P hihi...
    hurray for the moron code! god blesses morons! XD

  15. LOL!That was a big outburst =P

    Go go Morinn!!

  16. lol
    PMS mode activated? :P
    seriously, i like it best when you are blogging under PMS's influence! :)

  17. Hihi Angele! thanx for the encouragement! XD

    Waz, yup some days are like these. We girls should restrain sometimes for bursting out loud! But i couldn't help it this time! Glad you like it, i like it too! :D

  18. ryc: Oh, I gotcha. Hush-hush.

  19. bon moi si mo form parti bn morons mem et euh... li pu change rien du tou au fait ki mo existence inutile , pareil couma tou bn comments ki mo fer lor sa gogot blog la, menfin mo pis fran coz li mari nice squat sa mama la! coz zt ene ban larmer serier toi ek jev!

    big up!


  20. morph mo pa ti p dir pou toi do :/

    mo ti p dir pou bne ki com out of nowhere ek dir "nice blog". hihi, chai pa kifr zot dir ha! pou toi moi kine force toi pou chek mo blog! :P

  21. I still have to go back and check your new blog. I just saw the title, "It's Keep Metal, is it not?" Sounds interesting, I will surely drop by..btw thanks for always keeping in touch and for the surprise here...

  22. Interesting post :) quite candid one i must say.

  23. Robb Flynn? Fuck! I've seen you can understand Spanish así que, Dios, tan poca personalidad tengo? Por cierto, te olvidaste de comentar el Antichrist de Akercocke, XD

  24. Isn't it strange when you get used to having an audience who you're sort of writing to and then you want to vent, but you're aware that you're not just writing solo anymore (meaning the way you would write in a private journal with pen and paper)?

    Sometimes I do wonder what other people are going to think of me when I write something that is deeply personal.

    In real life I am extremely diplomatic and I am that way on the web as well. Except the web allows me to be a tad more edgy because of the anonymity.

    I guess I'm a people pleaser in person and on paper.

  25. cardiogirl, yeah exactly! I just can't consider this as a personal diary and start blabbering about anything. This sure will scare people! :D

  26. Their are not many like you in todays world.
    Everyone try to be a diplomat and those who are not, like me, continuously strive to be the one.

    Yet, i dont know why but i cant resist to say 4 words

  27. You've been tasting the dilemma of being famous Morinn..Once you start attracting people, you cant afford to be yourself anymore.

    Wish I could attract so much traffic. Maybe if I post the pic of a real sexy dame in my profile, I might get more traffic ;-)

  28. Yeah you can try that John, who knows, it might work! ;)
