Saturday, 31 March 2007

Some things that Morina loves to hear…

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1) When you’ve got a brand new hair cut and someone just tells you “oh my God, did you have a new hair cut” and you go on saying “no darling it just artistically fell on its own”

2) When it’s your birthday and everyone is wishing you “happy birthday” and someone comes along and asks you “is it your birthday” and you go on saying “nah, I don’t know why all those [insert number here] people here are of the impression that today’s my birthday”.

3) When you meet a relative after a long time and he/she notices how tall/big you have grown and you reply “weird isn’t it, that like all people did before and will keep on doing, I have grown too?”

4) So yesterday I had a test and I was talking to a bunch of friends and I told them I gotta go. And a gal replied “recently lots of people are having tests” and I was tempted to reply or maybe I did reply, who knows, “yeah, isn’t it absolutely fantastic that after some weeks of classes we have to go through tests, sometimes in the same week as our friends!”

5) When you meet someone on the road and that persons asks how you are and how are you parents. Are you gonna say stuffs like mind you own business or tell me more about YOUR parents for a change.

6) When you meet an acquaintance and he/she ask you what you’re doing in life and you say “university”. And I don’t know why the person can’t help asking: “Mauritius?” and you reply “no loser, I actually take a bus to go to UK everyday”.

Some Additions from Kyu:

kyu said...

1. You go at a party at an aquaintance`s place and he says `Oh, you have come?` `erm, no, actually am not here, i am at my place watching tv...`

2. Meme scenario, but this time you arrive a bit late. Friend: `Oh, You have finally arrived?`
you: `No actually am still locked up in the traffic la, i will probably be late...`

3. You are just sitting alone and (listening to music / Thinking about something) when someone comes in and asks you `You are alone?` `No, actually there are many of my invisible friends in here. careful, one is threatening to stab you with his invisible knife!`

4. Last day some relatives i hadnt seen for ages came at home. entering my room and eyeing all my postersand cds, my cousin: `Hey!, you listen to metal?` me (Being in the right joking mood to call captain obvious to the rescue)`
`Nooo, actually when i am angry i use those posters to do target shooting with the various kitchen knives! and the cds, well when am boref i use them as `soucoupe volante`! ` (He didn`t seem to catch the joke immediately, i guess no one would have )

Hihi, thanx for adding your 2 cent! That was so worth it! :D


  1. Haha trop bon :D
    captain obvious to the rescue!
    (Yeah, am drifting through all your posts like i usually do for all the blogs i read, got nothing better to do right now :D ^^)

    1. You go at a party at an aquaintance`s place and he says `Oh, you have come?` `erm, no, actually am not here, i am at my place watching tv...`

    2. Meme scenario, but this time you arrive a bit late. Friend: `Oh, You have finally arrived?`
    you: `No actually am still locked up in the traffic la, i will probably be late...`

    3. You are just sitting alone and (listening to music / Thinking about something) when someone comes in and asks you `You are alone?` `No, actually there are many of my invisible friends in here. careful, one is threatening to stab you with his invisible knife!`

    4. Last day some relatives i hadnt seen for ages came at home. entering my room and eyeing all my postersand cds, my cousin: `Hey!, you listen to metal?` me (Being in the right joking mood to call captain obvious to the rescue)`
    `Nooo, actually when i am angry i use those posters to do target shooting with the various kitchen knives! and the cds, well when am boref i use them as `soucoupe volante`! :D` (He didn`t seem to catch the joke immediately, i guess no one would have :D )

  2. wow! i'm tempted to re edit this post with what you said! by giving credit to you of course! hihi. i think i'll do it!

  3. haha okies, no problems ^_^
