Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Ignorance and bliss...

Since I had too much things to talk about… yeah, yeah I’m considering changing the title of my blog. So I was saying, since I had too much things to talk about, you still haven’t grasped the pun have you? DUH! My blog is called “something to talk about” don’t click on the link, it’ll send you back here! Hehe… I’m sure you did click on the link! Gotcha! So coming back to what I was saying, since I had too much to talk about, actually this line reminds me of something Jevin really likes, no I’m not talking about some perv thing you pervs! So this reminded me of something Jevin likes, it’s called “comique de repetition”. Well, like I was saying previously, I’m sure now you’re really fed up, you’re even full to the brim… hehe…

Well, I was saying, since I had too much to talk about I have decided to write about nothing at all. Wow, I did finally make it.


  1. le comique de repetition.. wahahaha mai dabor il fo ke je vou brief sur ce ket le comik de repetition.. :P:P

  2. :S

    mo pane comprend nanien :S

  3. lol lol et relol, moi mone kompran yuyu...tro bon
