Tuesday 17 November 2009

A cyclone is a cyclone

We've got a cyclone coming up (hopefully) which goes by the name of Anja. Weird name if you ask me. The name does not promise the destructive intensity that Hollanda or even Gamede had. But I'm not going to judge a cyclone by its name. Instead, I'm going to hope and look forward to what it has to offer.

The weather has been cloudy and rainy right from this morning and that discouraged me from going out and kept me cozy in the warmth of my home. I've tried to revise for a test scheduled this Saturday but you know how distracting a day at home could be, at least for me it is. So I ended up watching TV, tidying up my room and taking two showers.

So now I'm off for dinner dudettes and dudes and I hope that the weather gets worse by tomorrow. Oh and I'm going to give my revisions yet another try! But I don't promise anything...


  1. :s moi mo exam vendredi, pareil couma toi...mo pane reussi reviser hihi :) gagne trop sommeil ar sa weather nimporte la

  2. @La Pingouine, Fran tou! sa letemps la done moi envi boir la soupe ou bne truc chaud ek guet tv sois lire bane truc light! ^^

  3. Bonne revision. And it sounds like you gon enjoy the cyclone?!

  4. @ P.T, I'm sure gonna be enjoying this cyclone! Especially if it brings some unplanned holidays along with it!

  5. I'm desperately hoping for a cyclone and unexpected days off work too! But I was just looking at meteo france website and from what it's being said, Anja won't affect Mauritius at all!!! T_T
    When was the last time we actually had a cyclone? Gosh, it was like ages ago! I can't even remember the last cyclone that struck Mauritius o_O

  6. @Angele, I can't remember the last cyclone we had too. One thing's for sure, there were no decent cyclone this year! :( And I can't remember for 2008. I'm so longing for cyclone holidays right now. I just wish Anja could change trajectory and pay us a lil' visit!

  7. i dont want a cyclone coming and screwing my plans .. grrrrr :)

    weather is still bad.i can't even the mountain which is a a couple of blocks from me :(

    and road is very slippery too!

  8. Yeah it's been a while since we had a cyclone. :D

    I like them too. Everyone stays home to eat crepes and play cards and tell stories.

    I remember when I was a kid, we were like 3 families living in the same house. That was some awesome time during cyclones...

  9. LOL dont like rainy weather :-p everywhere is so muddy....and I became lazier than usual :-)

  10. @m3rvin, guess your plans won't be screwed now~ The weather is oh so lovely!

  11. @Jev, that's sweet plan, eating crepes and playing cards. :p

  12. @gaia, I do become lazier than usual when the weather is rainy too. There's something in the weather that compels one to stay in bed! :p
