Monday 16 November 2009

Coach Carter

Today started like any regular Monday morning. I woke up early, lazily read some blog posts and news in bed and managed to get myself late. So I showered in a hurry, dressed in a hurry, ate in a hurry, made my bag in a hurry. And in my hurry I managed to forget a thing or two at home. But in all this, I got to catch the Express bus without even having to sprint.

Yet, in our human resource development class, something "out of the box" happened. We got to watch the whole of this movie, Coach Carter, starring Samuel Jackson and that was awesome! I should have thought of bringing the popcorn! The movie, which is based on a real story, depicts the life of young high school basketball players and how the new coach, Ken Carter, changes their lives by applying unusual coaching techniques and making use of his own life principles. This movie is poignant, full of humour and contains some valuable lessons.

The reason why we were showed this movie in class, dudettes and dudes, is simple; we are currently studying coaching at work and this concept is very much inspired by sports coaching techniques. This movie is in this sense a case study for us and I guess it's the first time that I really and entirely enjoyed a case study.


  1. That's a very nice teaching approch. More lecturer's should do this. Kudos to the teacher.

    I'll try to watch that movie. Looks good. :)

  2. Ca a l'air bien comme film. Je vais tacher de le voir.

  3. well i once watched snatch in a lecture to analyze the film shot trying to guess how they edit the whole movie and another movie (i forgot the name) so as to study a serial killer mind ...its indeed great when you have audio visual lecture than a verbal one LOL

  4. Coach Carter! Superb film!

    I watched this perhaps 1 or 2 yers ago, and if am not mistaken, the cds must be lying somewhere.

    HAs you said, his methods are not 'normal' but they do bring results ;)

    However, I don't want to be in the skin of those guys there lol!

  5. Please read "As you said" instead of "HAs you said"
    Sorry for the error. enkor dans sommeil :P

  6. @ Jev, yup we could actually watch it together sometime soon.

  7. @ Connie, cool! Tu me donnes tes impressions sur le film une fois que tu l'as vu!

  8. @ Gaia, yeah it's true! The mind seems to wander less when there's something to focus on. :p

  9. @ Yashvin, I would personally have wanted a coach carter to teach me discipline! lol! I bet he would be able to help me with my diet! lol! About the typo, ca arrive!

  10. Ouuuh wow. Certainly beats the BBC documentaries I've been watching during lectures. Oh well :p
