Friday 16 October 2009

How I went internet-less for 4 days

It all started on Sunday morning when a bunch of lads, who were cutting down tree branches in the neighbourhood, mistook our telephone line for a branch. So they cut down the line and ran away like any other respectable coward would have done. And so we called Orange's hotline the very same day and nothing unexpected, we were told that it might take days for them to send a team to our place. Anyway, yesterday, at around noon, the team came and fixed the problem in five minutes. No need to say how elated I was to be "connected" again.

Oh and yesterday was my sister's birthday. I baked a cake for her. As you can see she was totally into the pink and white theme this year.

And so tomorrow's Divali, we haven't yet made any cake. Should we start giving in to panic? I think I gotta go shop for provisions and start making some gateaux batate. I can't wait to eat that!


  1. That cake looks good. And the plate does the job (we bought it together).

    It seems no one around me has started making Divali cakes. Think I'll need to go help my mother to make some cakes tonight...

  2. Ooh yeah! The plate does it great! So sweet of you to be wanting to help your mum. I will be expecting my cakes! :D

  3. Happy birthday to your sis :)

    Yayyy I love divali mood! Happy divali to you Morinn ;)

  4. @ Angele, thanks!! :D I love everything about divali, except the fire crackers. They really scare my dogs.

  5. oooh! Belated happy birthday to your sister and enjoy the cakes. I'm so going to miss them this year =(

  6. Belated happy birthday to your sis! The gato looks water in my mouth! :) I'd miss gato batate for divali :( Don't know when I'll taste one again...

  7. @ Nussaibah, you'll catch up on the cakes once you return! :D

    @ Wez, I hope you do come across some gateaux patates-making people one of these days! Hehe!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday to you sis!

    eihhhhh,,,,is she as beautiful as you??? hee hee

    wow,, can't live without the internet!!

  9. Belated birthday wishes to your sister.
    Glad you're back online and alive *poking you with a bamboo stick* LOL.
