Thursday, 26 March 2009

Just a short note...

Hello dudettes and dudes, it's 11:51 pm but I could not resist posting about some stuff. But rest assured, I'll be brief and to the point! :D

1st, I am glad to announce that I am running 100% on Linux from now on and I must say that it is a pleasant experience. :D No more viruses or problems that have no solutions. Haha!

2nd, tomorrow is a public holiday. Hoorray!

3rd, did I say tomorrow is a public holiday?!

4th, I gotta get some sleep. My bed is calling me, really. This is a complete luxury, ain't it? Being able to choose the time when you'll go to sleep and not having to revise or finish some work for tomorrow.

Ah! Did I say tomorrow's a public holiday?! Hihi... Have an excellent weekend dudettes and dudes and my holidaying aliens.



  1. Congratulations!

    Linux is really a wonderful operating system. It's rock solid and so, ahem, predictable. And with just a click, you have access to loads and loads of additional open source software. In fact, this is true for all the "Unixes" like FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.

  2. gongrats for linux, even if i can't really get the difference. moi connaitre pc.
    yeahhhh holiday!!! i slept for like 12 hours non stop!
    have a superfantastic weekend mo :)

  3. ^^ have a nice je bosse :p

  4. Glad to know that you are finally running 100% on Linux.

    Funny thing to do. Try using Windows after 2 or 3 months. You will be like "WTF?? Why can't I do what I want?".

  5. 8) Coooooooooooool ... I'm currently using OpenSuse 11.1 Which distro do you use? :P Sinon pu publik holiday la, Moris enn nation bien paress hein, tu ca conze la!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi Morinn!
    That's some good news. Which distro are you using?

  7. Linux sux... wow! That rhymes! :P

    Good decision. ;)

  8. I'm currently using ubuntu 8.10, since I've been using previous versions of ubuntu since 2007 I find it more familiar and it suits my fancy needs. :D

    Have a great day people!! :D

  9. and things will be normal as from Sunday!!no more summer time!!

  10. 8-O Ubuntu lol so you are 1/2 linux (like me) then :P Hardcore linux users use Slackware :P

  11. for a linux noob ubuntu is not bad

  12. Really excited about the holiday, huh? Hope the day was as great as you wished it would be :)

  13. well.. that was bound to happen .. hanging around jevin!

    hmmm, now i got to also get myself a chick and get her to use FreeBSD :p

  14. hope you don't get too much addicted :p

  15. @ selven, I'm already addicted! XD
