Saturday, 14 March 2009

The bloggers meeting was great.

I would just like to thank everyone of you bloggers who were here today. You just rock! :D It was fun to meet up, chat and interact with everyone and to finally put faces on the blogs! lol.

I just can't wait for the next edition of the meeting to come.

The photo album of today's meeting can be found here.

Else here are some "temps fort" of the meeting, in pictures.

I will crop/resize pictures tomorrow. ;)

Have an excellent night dudettes and dudes and my happy aliens and keep blogging!! :D


  1. Yeah the meeting was awesome. It was nice to meet all these people. I feel we should do this monthly. And maybe get a bigger place.

    Can't wait for the next event...

  2. yeah me too. we'll have more time to plan the next one, which is great!! :P

  3. nice to meet you all....:)
    next time am sure the meeting will be much better...and you guys gonna enjoy more :P:P

  4. it seems that you bloggers are having fun. nice to see. keep it up.

  5. Daks, yeah! I can't wait for the next one to come. It's gonna be awesome! :P

    Yannick, yup, it was great to meet up with people sharing the same hobby as us.

  6. oh.. the comment form is here itself! :P

    yeah.. it was very nice to meet you all..

    I think everybody is "partant" for a Bloggers Meeting Le Retour!

  7. there is no foto of you...
    u forgot 2 shoot yourself? XD

  8. oh mane! y is the album on facebook! :(
    it looks fun...!
    next time, i'll do my best to be in mu at around same time as the meeting...well, hopefully!

  9. It really was great :) There has to be a next time...

  10. yeah why is the album on facebook?! not fair.
    i'll try to hack one account to get to see the pics though.
    eh i see tahir. that might be the reason he woke me up at noon...
    glad to see you had fun!
    and those pics, god, they make me crave for a mc do!

  11. Ohh and the McChichen was delicious.

  12. @ Sun, you're partant for another cups pyramid? hihi

    @ usha, yeah i forgot to shoot myself. hihi

    @ waz, don't worry! next time you'll be here, or perhaps the next next time. but you'll be here. :D

    @ nussaibah, where there is a will, there's a way. So there's gotta be a next time! :P

    @ carrotmadman6, was awesome indeed, but there'll be a next time. :D

    @ keli, it's cause it was easier to upload it on facebook. lol
    Yeah Tahir was here. Think he thought you'd be there too.

    @ Jev, lol! don't try to tempt keli!!

  13. Cool :| wish I were there though :'(

  14. LOL The ULTIMATE moment is that pic of Selven :P

  15. "LOL The ULTIMATE moment is that pic of Selven :P"
    @ sj-DVD-a
    hahahahaha, hmm mo esperE zotp ap ou aret prend moi au serieu la vue ki monn laisse un peu mo wild side take on the best of me today!

    "Ohh and the McChichen was delicious."
    naaaa, kfc is better, mcChicken reminds me of a mac... we can't eat a mac!

    sa meme dir coordonier mal chaussE, cameragirl pann gagne li en foto! next time next time!

  16. not fair indeed...
    there should be a public album!
    yeah, i'll try to be around...
    just let me know...

  17. Bruno, doesn't matter, there would sure be next times!! :D

    Irfaan, yup was nice to see you there. :P

    Sjvda, yeah! I think this picture greatly represents what we bloggers look like when we're inspired! haha

    Selven, nooonn, o contraire dimune pou pli pren toi o serieux la mo croir. y a rien de tel ki 1 ti delire pou dimune pren toi o serieux! whaha

    Waz,i'm uploading the pics on a picasa web album ;)

  18. was really nice to meet up indeed...
    I got to know many new blogs :)
    The cups' pyramid will grow as the bloggers community will grow...May God Bless Us ALL :)

  19. 60 Pictures on the facebook photo album, and there are still other pictures with the other bloggers.

    @ Chaya : May the Wordpress/Blogspot God bless all of us :P

  20. Hi.
    It was a pleasure to meet all of you.
    *cough*my mountain cups*cough*

  21. @ Chaya, may we all be blessed. ;)

    @ Yashvin, yeah it's great to see the various "pictoral" interpretation of the meeting. :P meme si des fois bane foto la p ressembler.

    @ Tushal, hihi, you cups mountain was a masterpiece!

  22. Unfortunately Avish and i could not make it.

  23. Yo

    c t de la balle :) bann mauricien touzour tre zenti :D

    related post :


  24. hey wow u guys had fun eh. hope i'll be able to make it next the mean time, facebook, here i come :D


  25. @ Yusha, it doesn't matter, there'll be next times. :D

    @ ze6tmd, lol, wai bane mauricien tres zenti c vrai! :D

    @ rooch, wai it was fun! :D

  26. Was waiting for the next one coz I did not get the chance to talk wid all...

  27. Reena, yup it was quite difficult to get to know everyone through only one meeting. Un autre s'impose!! :P

  28. Unfortunately couldnt make it...may b if there is a nxt meeting & am free :P
    Nice pics btw

  29. There will be a next meeting. ;)

  30. WOW, looks like u enjoyed damn loads :)

    Sad couldn't be part of it :(
    maybe next time

  31. Nice to meet u :) next time...

  32. Sailesh, we'll be updating as soon as the next event is planned. Hope you're able to come!

    Ze6tmd, yes, a bientot! :D
