Thursday, 13 March 2008

A tag...

Tagged by Firefly Wings

1. Today I feel very — motivated and eager but at the same time anxious.

2. I enjoy - everything that is tidy, well-presented and intelligently conceived.

3. I am unhappy when — things do not go my way.

4. I feel good when — people act intelligently around me without asking stupid questions and expecting explanations.

5. I wish my boss — existed.

6. My officemates think — I'm the most creative person in the universe... Yup you've guessed it, I don't work yet.

7. My work area is — tidy and minimalist.

8. I enjoy reading about — historical events which held a certain mystery for a long time.

9. I like myself best when — I'm innovative and original.

10. If I had a choice I would — do it all over again the same way it is. I don't regret anything, not yet anyway.

11. I wish — people never got hurt and sick.

12. Tomorrow I would like to — have a great day.

So much for this tag dudettes and dudes and my tagged aliens. Feel free to reply to this on your own blogs. It would be great to get to know your answers.

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  1. I feel good when — people act intelligently around me without asking stupid questions and expecting explanations.

    Arrgh that rarely happens.. :(

  2. ^^ interessant tou sa! surtout "My officemates think — I'm the most creative person in the universe... Yup you've guessed it, I don't work yet." hihi to p pense travail dans ene domaine couma pub ?

  3. you wished your boss existed? :P wait till you have one!

  4. i wish people never got hurt and sick
    aahh at least ena kiken ki pense au autres dans ce monde si cruel!

  5. LOL at number 4.

    This tag is cool. At least its not a "5 vegetables I dont eat" one. LOL


  6. Hi morinn, you are so honest, lol. Thanks for sharing this tag, enjoyed reading it, so now I know you better. Anna :)

  7. hehe i liked the i wish my boss existed one. i don't you'll do.

  8. Today I am going to play soccer.

  9. Dumb questions are a big turn off for me too!
