Thursday 27 December 2007

My interpretation of the perfect end of year


I'm supposed to write my interpretation of the perfect end of year as MBB's end of year theme. At first I thought I'd write about something surreal like complete peace on earth or the total elimination of poverty on our planet. But then these situations would be too perfect nearing impossibility.

My perfect end of year would imply everything going on smoothly at home for the end of year festivities. What I mean by that is that I expect the food to be good, the decoration lovely and the people, that is, my family, happy and jovial. Hehe! Yeah I know, that's already asking too much. I know that one thing or the other is bound not to turn out right. But I hope everything works just fine!

That's it, this is my interpretation of the perfect end of year. I know it's a short post but I'm actually very busy cleaning up and coming up with a nice menu for the 31st.

So I wish you all a very happy new year 2008! God bless! :D

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  1. Chocolate cake :D You can never go wrong with chocolate cake :D

  2. Yeah I want some of that meal. Hmmm why dont you come cook at my place?? LOL Don't worry your new year will be just fine. :P

  3. lol! tou pou pass corek! bonne annee mooo! amise toi bien! muaaaah

  4. manico, yup chocolate cake is such a delight! miaaam...

    lol jev! ki sanla pou cuit kot moi lerla? :u

    usha, bonne annee a toi aussi! muaah :D

  5. En principe pour lannée tous dimoune contan^^...enfin en principe hein, esperon ki tou ok, bon courage pou prepare meal la :D

  6. Mo p gagne faim :P

    Happu New Year toi aussi :D

  7. thanks people! happy new year to all of you too! :D
