Wednesday 31 October 2007

Hello Ween...

Booh! Hello dudettes and dudes. What's up? Did you know that today's Halloween? Yup yup it is! I've decorated some places of the house accordingly. I've made fake spider webs out of plain paper. I've used mostly some orange and black fabric, black ribbons, orange and black bristol papers, some chandeliers, candles and some fake petals for the decoration.

Since no one is celebrating Halloween in my neighborhood, I'm gonna opt for the next best alternative, which is watching all the Halloween movies and series on Disney Channel. hehe. So long buddies!
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  1. happy halloween
    here in reunion halloween's a big stuff... for teenagers! lol
    maybe tonite ill be going out, not to calebrate halloween but to watch others do it, last year i did go out for hallo and there tons of younsters dressed up and celebrating
    it was quite fun

  2. hehe, happy halloween to you too adi! hav a great time tonite.

  3. sa deco la paret ideal pou fr 1 super fete halloween kot toi!

  4. Happy halloween! M pu vine rod bonbon kt toi!

  5. Happy halloween. Ban zafaire qui faire peur mo pa content moi.

  6. Woooooww nice decos morinn. Rest zis pu degizer et al dman bonbon partou aster.. :P

  7. hey en jour mo ti pou bien content vivre sa expreience la !
    paret cooool!

  8. I've been reading your blog a lot and I have to say you have that kind of creativity which reminds me of my bestfriend back in my hometown. He is gay and in our yester years we would often do a lot of halloween stuff just to make the kids happy in the neighborhood, we were the pioneers then as Filipinos aren't really used to celebrating halloween. Thanks for sharing what you have for the halloween. ^^ Happy Helloween Morinn.!!

  9. The creative morinn strikes again. Don't you wish we could all celebrate Halloween in Mauritius? Kids would have loved that.

  10. Yea, we don't celebrate Halloween as well. Only scary movies on tele, that's all. Didn't watch those of course, I still had a Lost episode on tape which I had to see. :D

  11. Heh, didn't know there were peeps in here who celebrated Halloween. Are you Mauritian anyway?


  12. @ Rowan, yup i'm mauritian. ;)

    sa se voit teriblement sur ce blog en plus.

  13. la bourse ou la vie!
    happie helloween moreen

  14. to blog la? lendroit rever pou bne spammers sa?

  15. Nice pics and i m back :)

  16. mo demann moi kifer personn pa fete sa dans moris.

  17. merde
    happy halloween en retard
    bizin fer ene halloween nite, pou tro nissa!

  18. Ey happy halloween enretard vu autres... yea bez sa personne pa fete sa, mwa mo ti pu content fete li selman. Met ban deguisement ek al dman bonbon.. hehe pareil kuman dan ban film la.. tro nissa sa !
