Monday, 16 April 2007

something about them...

they are funny...
they are crazy...
they are artistic...
they are poetic... they hold their own secrets, their own world...

they make mistakes like we all do...
I've made mistakes too...
but without them life would never have been as risky, immature and irresponsible as it is!!!lol... cheers to you guys!! I L O V E Y O U


  1. hehe thank you my movino! i feel so high now even if i have to do tat assignment and its way to late i am accepting to fail, in dignity! cuz there is much more than llb, there is you, there is rooch. :) love you mes salopes.

  2. yeah there's much more than BCA also..fuck the test, mo pa pou revizer!
    lavi sans zot ti pou tro mat ek mo ti pou oblizer al revizer la..
    love u always mes ptites salopes adorer!

  3. bon mo risker gagn un kasser le Q, so i won't use the "salope" term :D

    peace ..

    and ermm love!

    mrd l'age p fer moi vin sensible :s

  4. Hmmm eski zot ban comment fer de mwa n salope?? :S Mo ti cner mo bizin comment en premier. :u Enfin sa foto black n white la c mwa kin fer sa (A). Li zoli nah? You like it?? Yes you like it. You fuckinnn love it.

  5. Lipied zom ou fam sa? Yucky but...

  6. yucky????? i bet its a woman foot...

  7. wai its a woman foot em,, pou rooch sa chef doeuvre la!! hihi

  8. lol. to pou demann toi ki mo p fou lor to blog a lir tou to ban ancien posts?!!
    eh ben mo mem mone blier.
    ah weh mo ti p rod ene post to ti fer tres lontan de cela, kan nou ti al zouer ek ban zenfan dan sa espess parc zenfan codan la, nou ti bwar 2,3 la biere.
    eh ben lot fois la mone retruv sa tifille la mo kwar...
    akoz sa mo p rod sa foto la!!!
    haha. mais sa post la ine fer moi happy!
    kot toi? tone mort?
