Saturday, 13 January 2007

For Spyke And Drew

It all began in the end
Her wanderlust had brought her to this bend

Some Whispers in the dark
guided her like destination marks

she was as solitary as always
and he struck her in so many ways

though a stranger he was to her
in just a day he meant the world to her

now that she`s got his blood in her veins
over the world she reigns

"i am your slave I'm your master
your lovers I'll slaughter"

so she did until the end of time
with him by her side for a whole lifetime.


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  2. nice blog u got..
    linked u up on my blog..
    toi si to gagne ban prob kot kouma dire page la tarder pou refresh kan tne finipost?
    its a common prob on nomad

  3. hehehe
    let me tag you to show u my gratitude for adding me to ur blogroll
    You have been tagged..
